Each participant will have the chance to benefit from:
• One-to-One* and small group meetings with MBA Admissions Directors
• Thematic panel discussions featuring B-schools and Alumni
• Individual consulting sessions and GMAT test preparation
• Many scholarship opportunities
By registering for the One-to-One MBA event, your profile will be carefully matched and selected for individual meetings with the business schools that correspond to your expectations.
*Individual 20 minute long meetings to discuss your MBA project
Why get an MBA?
Nine out of every ten employers intend to maintain or increase the number of job openings for business school graduates in 2015 (GMAC 2014 Survey)
The starting salary expected in 2015 for recent MBA graduates in the US is $100,000 (Financial Times 2015)
More than half of employers will increase starting salaries for new MBA hires in 2015 (GMAC 2014 Survey)
Get ahead with an MBA.
Among the prestigious business schools participating in the Access MBA Tour:
Copenhagen Business School, EADA Business School Barcelona, ESCP Europe, ESMT – Berlin, Esade Business School, Hult International Business School, IE Business School, IESE Business School, IESE Global Executive MBA, IMD EMBA, INSEAD Executive, MIP Politecnico di Milano, Manchester Business School, Munich Business School, SDA Bocconi, University of Geneva, University of St. Gallen EMBA-HSG, University of St. Gallen MBA-HSG and more!
Places are limited for One-to-One meetings and early registration is recommended. To receive your free invitation, register here: http://bit.ly/2c8CyPB
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WohinTippHQ 45 mins ago