Any band whose appreciation of music is broad enough to encompass the likes of Dissection, The Misfits, Iron Maiden, The Doors and Type O Negative is unlikely to be interested in recycling other people’s ideas. And as that list of inspirations suggests, Tribulation present to you a record that is both unapologetically ambitious and utterly distinct. Emerging from the darkness of the Swedish death metal abyss in 2004, the band immediately stood apart from what was already a crowded scene, betraying an uncompromising vision that refused to be shackled by any genre stereotypes. Their exhilarating 2009 debut album The Horror somehow managed to simultaneously conjure the spirits of such old masters as Morbid Angel, while still sounding absolutely fresh, its combination of death metal with thrash, heavy metal and even horror soundtrack influences earning it praising reviews.
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WohinTippHQ 1 hour ago