It’s been 12 months since we opened our Doors as Viennas first Hip-Hop club. From Mixwoch, over Total Chaos to MMK we provided you the best tunes from A like A$AP, to Z like Zulu Nation.
No matter if on the Basketball court, on the terrace or a classic legendary night IN DA CLUB..
THANK YOU for being the best Turnup-Crowd and partying week in week out with us like there is no tomorrow!
It’s time for our payback:
We gonna celebrate with you in a 2 Days Madness Marathon you don’t wanna miss!
FR 4.3 Happy Bday TotalChaos
feat. DJ PRO ZEIKO (3x Dj Worldchampion / Berlin)
SA 5.3 Happy Bday MMK
feat. DJ NASTY NAS (LeTwins Tour Dj / PARIS)
++ Strictly 20+
++ Start 23 Uhr
++ Admission 10€
++ For table reservation please call +43 664 2502022
or mail
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WohinTippHQ 48 mins ago