YOUR 80s WORKOUT with The Naughty Night DJ-Team
on Saturday March 26th, starts 11pm, Free Entry!
@ Kramladen, Lerchenfelder Gürtel, Bögen 39&40,
U6 Josefstädterstraße, next to Rhiz!
The Wild Boy:
For every NAUGHTY NIGHT party Pyromana, Aston Matters and DJ Loveshack transform the place into a r-rated dancefloor. The core of the concept is simple: We play sex-songs all night! The more explicit the better. Genres don’t matter.
To create NAUGHTY NIGHT's trademark silly vintage porn flair, the hosts and many guests dress up in costumes and take on roles that defy established restrictions of gender and taste.
DISCLAIMER: To stay true to the theme of the night at the "Your 80s Workout"-Special at Kramladen, we'll move away from our sex-songs-only-tradition and play campy 80s hits all night.'ll still be very sexy though.
Are you ready for P.A.S.S.I.O.N.?
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WohinTippHQ 17 mins ago