Buchungsgebühren können anfallen
Chris Cook is coming to Vienna! I personally saw his Fringe show in Edinburgh and had to have hime come to Vienna and it's happening! He's not your parent's cheesy magician. He's an engaging, funny showman that will make you wonder "what just happened?!" See him up close as he makes his first trip to Vienna at The Tunnel.
Tickets on OETicket: http://bit.ly/2wrRjmt
Check out his Ted talk about "Why Magic Matters" (don't worry. There are no spoilers for his show here)
‘An absolute master of his stage and a reminder of how cool magic is’ **** (BroadwayBaby.com). ‘Cheeky magician with the slickness of a stand-up’ **** (Stage). **** (ThreeWeeks). Hit magician, Chris Cook returns to the Fringe with a question... Are you still in control? Chris has some brand-new tricks up his sleeve for his fourth year at the Fringe. Chris is an award-winning young magician with an original style and quick-witted charm. Expect a show full of cheeky audience interaction, devilish trickery and shocking surprises. You are about to lose control...
Entry €15
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WohinTippHQ 25 mins ago