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UK Magician Chris Cook is coming to Vienna with a fun show for kids of all ages! Sure this magic show is for kids, but the adults will end up scratching their heads too!
TICKETS HERE: http://bit.ly/kids-magic-tix
‘An absolute master of his stage and a reminder of how cool magic is’ **** (BroadwayBaby). ‘Cheeky magician with the slickness of a stand-up’ **** (Stage).
Chris is an award-winning young magician with an original style and quick-witted charm. Expect a show full of cheeky audience interaction, devilish trickery and shocking surprises.
Buy Tickets here: http://bit.ly/kids-magic-tix
**This show is in English**
€11 for kids and adults
Show takes place at Mehr Spielraum: http://www.mehrspielraum.at/
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WohinTippHQ 1 hour ago