Get to Know…Storytelling 2 will offer a rare chance to see Vienna’s wildest and most creative minds come together and talk about the power of Storytelling, in its many different forms.
4 storytellers – a ton of inspiration – unexpected ideas with impact – no shame
Storytellers on stage:
+ Nychos: Internationally renowned urban graffiti artist, illustrator of cute evil rabbits and other loony comic creations, storyteller of the blank wall
+ @Ladyvenom aka. Marion Vicenta Payr: big name Instagrammer, photographer, storyteller of the captured moment
+ Wild: Vienna-based multi-award-winning digital branding agency, creators of the UX experience based on Falter’s Inferno:
+ Martin Mühl: editor of multi-publication brand, Monopol, overseeing contents for The Gap, Biorama, and more. Telling stories for his life, literally.
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WohinTippHQ 33 mins ago