ITALIAN GUIDED TOUR with Serena Fanara
14.10.2017, 6pm
Group exhibition: “Saluti da Riccione”: with: Cristina Calderoni, Chiara Campanile, Ryts Monet, Niccolò De Napoli
curated by Serena Fanara (das weisse haus Graduate 2017) artists: Cristina Calderoni, Chiara Campanile, Ryts Monet, Niccolò De Napoli
The project „Saluti da Riccione“ is a reflection on collective memory, carried out by a group of Italian artists operating in Vienna. It’s a project on the stratification of traces, the relativity of time, the evocation of forms. The aim is not to consolidate the identification processes of a community abroad, but to explore a common feeling that draws on the same system of symbols.
Supported by Istituto Italiano di Cultura Vienna.
duration of the exhibition: 04.10. - 18.11.2017
Program during the exhibitions:
14.10.2017, 6pm: Italian guided tour with Serena Fanara
24.10.2017, 6pm: Guided tour with Nika Kupyrova and Franz Thalmair / curator’s tour with Serena Fanara
18.11.2017, 3pm: Guided tour with Nika Kupyrova and Serena Fanara
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