On the 12th and 13th of April Ateliertheater is bringing animation for the first time onto its screen. Under the title „Schöne neue Welt“ or the „Brave new world“ we are dedicating our whole very interdisciplinary April program to childhood, optimism and dreams of parallel universes – all of those things that we think about with the birth of new spring. Aware of the double meaning that this title awakes and facing the heavy reality that surrounds us, we are also putting through a test this new spring optimism and childish naivety that we are trying to evoke.
In these two days of April, we are presenting four different festivals with few of their best and recent movies. Our idea is to promote the festivals from the origin countries of our multicultural Vienna audience and support the art of animation as a way to transcend the borders of mind and space in an aspiration towards a new and better world.
All the movies will be shown in original language with English translation.
Best of KAFF 2015, 62’ (Eintritt frei!)
Kecskemét Animation Film Festival from Hungary
Best of ANIMATOR 2013/2014, 64’ (Tickets: €8)
International Animated Film Festival from Poznan, Poland
Best of FEST ANČA 2016, 63’ (Tickets: €8)
International Animation Festival from Stanica Žilina-Záriečie, Slovakia
Best of ANIFILM 2016, 45' (Tickets: €8)
International Festival of Animated Film from Třeboň, Czech Republic
Presented by: Monika Kapralikova
Info / Tickets: office@ateliertheater.net
Visual: Celine Devaux "Sunday Lunch" (Best of Fest Ancha 2016)
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