A gay guy and a queerfeminist lesbian walk into a bar, where they say OMG a lot and wear overalls. No, not this time! PCCC, Vienna’s First Queer Comedy Club, is going beyond the cliché. On February 3 you will hear punchlines that are 100 % free from „funny“ accents, „men are like this“ (penis) and „women like this“ (shoes).
Political Correctness doesn’t have to equal censorship – it could simply mean: Fun for more people. Denice Bourbon, the reigning Queen of Vienna’s Queer Backyard, and Josef Jöchl, good with the typing, will present comedic talent from all strands of the performing Arts, as long as they are funny: Stand-up, storytelling, poetry, physical comedy. We will probably fail at some point, but we will stand-up.
PCCC {pi:ssy:si:ssy} is a night of (a few) laughs in two acts, part English, part German, and a desperately needed addition to Vienna’s rich tradition of humour. Homor, if you want. Also, there is literally no competition.
VENUE: Ateliertheater, Burggasse 71, 1070 (great bar!)
DOORS: 7 pm
SHOW: 8 pm - 11 pm - including a generous break for your beers and fags
PERFORMERS will be introduced in the coming weeks.
DJ: tba
Admission: €8/€13
Reduced price for holders of Kulturpässe, AMS-Ausweise and the like or just plain poverty (you might want to create your own ID; if you hold a decent job, we kindly ask you to pay full price)
There are around 100 Tickets for the show.
Tickets will be sold at Bourbon's Boudoir on Jan 26 in Marea Alta, Gumpendorfer Straße 28.
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WohinTippHQ 1 hour ago