Spheric jazz sounds with Brazilian rhythm
Aïmenda is a project of two musicians as they could not be more different - singer Laura Lenhardt from Weimar (Germany) and guitarist Marco Antonio da Costa from Natal (northeastern Brazil). Their music is a transatlantic conglomeration of different musical traditions, which cleverly incorporate them into a common language between the spherical soundscapes of jazz and Brazilian music.
It is about the "fusion of opposites, the powerful yet fragile delicacy of the voice and a multi-faceted guitar sound that is sometimes melancholic sometimes spirited. With their “compositions, arrangements and text poems with English and Portuguese texts”, they “dedicate themselves to the delicate and traditional art duo play - a dialogue between two musicians in intimate transparency that holds its own form of freedom and complexity.” (http://www.aimenda.com)
„...a document on the art of interaction, the art of listening and giving each other his/her rightful place, a little melodic landscape that makes you pause for an introspective moment...“ Lisa Bassenge
Line up: Laura Lenhardt - vocals
Marco Antonio da Costa - guitar
Event Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/2184912995130409/
Foto credit: Katharina Sieghartsleitner
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WohinTippHQ 26 mins ago