Have you ever thought about getting an EMBA degree? As you may know, the Executive Masters in Business Administration helps experienced professionals expand their network and perfect their managerial skills.
At this Premier EMBA event you will network with fellow business executives, business school alumni, and Admissions Directors from the Top 30 Executive MBA programmes in the world including: University of Chicago Booth School of Business, IESE Global Executive MBA, INSEAD Business school, Kellogg – WHU, ESCP Europe and more.
REGISTER HERE TO GET A FREE INVITATION: https://premieremba.com/tour/events/vienna?ui=!OLM8K1538470771&utm_source=Internet&utm_medium=Event+listing&utm_campaign=Wohin+Tipp
At this exclusive Premier EMBA Event, you will:
• MEET business school alumni, EMBA Admissions Directors and fellow business executives from leading global companies
• DISCUSS your career path and ambitions with executive education experts, and experienced business leaders
The event is free of charge, but early registration is mandatory in order to receive an invitation to the conference and networking session.
Hotel Sacher Wien, Philharmonikerstrasse 4
Wednesday, October 31st
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