Live: FVZZ POPVLI (IT – Heavy Psych Sounds Records)
anschließend: JAM SESSION
FVZZ POPVLI raised in Rome by Pootchie and Datio in A.D. MMXVI, with the conception of powertrio a direct and rough way for bring heavy fuzzy riffs. Their sound melt Black Sabbath style heavy riffs with the attitude of the roughest garagepunk bands like The Stooges, adding the psychedelia from 70’s getin’ their own style!
One year after their rough, lo-fi and rude debut album “Fvzz Dei”, Fvzz Popvli gave the birth to their 2nd creauture “Magna Fvzz” in latin the Great Fuzz. This newborn is composed by 7 killer tracks between the 60’s and 70’s psychedelic rock till the 90’s Heavy Psych, the album sounds bright and clear with a typical warm rock’n’roll sound and obviously tons and tons of fuzz! The last homonym track is a featuring with Bazu on the Synths, from the mighty acid rockers “Giöbia”. Highly recomended if you are a fan of The Stooges, Black Sabbath and Hawkwind!
Start: 20:30
Eintritt: 5€ / incl. 2€ Getränkegutschein
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WohinTippHQ 2 hours ago