Hopeless Jack is Back!!
A raucous and raw element of rock & roll grounded in the roots of soul and blues.
The two piece drums and guitar duo out of Reno, Nevada delivers a unique and explosive sound. The bands high energy stage show paired with real and heartfelt lyrics pulls audiences out of apathetic cell phone staring and brings them along for the ride. Blistering slide guitar and danceable rhythms get people moving.
Out of a background of country, blues and self-taught madness Hopeless Jack takes the shattered, dirty and discarded emotions of this life and builds them up with worn out tools, song by song. Influenced by greats such as; Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, Hillstomp, Johnny Cash, Gun Club and the Gories
Originally performing as a one man band, Hopeless Jack’s Haunting vocals penetrate as Jack’s edgy lyrics tell a story of a damaged man searching through his brokenness for truth.
Einlass 21 Uhr
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WohinTippHQ 55 mins ago