Das Institut Jazz - Kunstuni Graz präsentiert eine Jamsession der Studierenden...
consists of a vocalist Patricija Škof, Tibor Pernarcic on tenor saxophone, pianist Sara Gredelj and Hrvoje Kralj on bass. They are going to present their repertoire, based on the Great American Songbook.
Patricija Škof is a Slovenian vocalist and pianist. She started her musical journey as a pianist at a young age at Conservatory for Music and Ballet Maribor (Slovenia). She’s now studying jazz vocals at the University of music and performing arts Graz (Austria) with prof. Dena DeRose.
She's working on various projects, playing concerts in Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, Italy, performing with big bands, smaller ensembles, vocal trio »Supreme ladies« etc.
In 2016 she received an award at Berklee Summer School program for “Outstanding musicianship during the program” and was in year 2018 one of the young talents at MM Jazz Festival in St. Pölten.
Patricija Škof, vocals;
Tibor Pernarcic, tenor saxophone;
Sara Gredelj, piano;
Hrvoje Kralj, bass
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WohinTippHQ 33 mins ago