Kate Stapley from London has been writing poignant yet playful songs and playing them to rooms full of people, sometimes loudly, sometimes quietly for 9 years.
Fusing folk orientated sensibilities with a modern grasp on what it means to be a young person in today's society, her songs cast an optimistic slant on city life. This talented young lady has the capacity to set the world on fire, the only sensible approach is to buy the ticket and enjoy the ride as she weaves her way into the annals of Rock and Roll history.
Singer/Songwriter from Vienna.
"dear universe ... i*m sendin out all my free love - to all of you - for ALL for ALL and ONE by ONE! ... so it is! peace!! yours SÓL"
The Boy I Used To Be is Philipp Timmelmayer’s most personal project until now. He writes expressive, dynamic, melancholic, multi-layered and elaborate music with an interesting build up. Philipp tells the audience about his search for happiness, as his thoughts drift on troubled sea asking the following question: „What happened to the boy I used to be?“
Eintritt frei / Musikspenden erwünscht
Aktion: SEITERLTAG - das Seiterl kostet nur € 1,70
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WohinTippHQ 1 hour ago