In Your Face Krew, Yamyamya & Verein Southbeat präsentieren Euch diesen Sommer erneut den #KIRCHTAGRAVE im (diesmal großen) Bambergsaal des Parkhotels in Villach!
Mit Stolz präsentieren wir Euch dieses Jahr "DC Breaks", ein Londoner Drum and Bass Duo welches nicht nur bereits seit geraumer Zeit einen Fixstern am internationalen D'n'B-Himmel bildet, sondern auch zu den aufstrebendsten Künstlern & Top-Dogs des Genres zählt!
Hard Facts
• DC Breaks • [ RAM Records / UK ]
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Drum & Bass duo DC Breaks have made their way onto the widest range of playlists.
Their hardcore club cuts have been rewound by the likes of DJ Friction and Andy C. On the other hand, the songwriting ability displayed on the single ‘Faithless’, featuring Bianca, has plastered them all over the radio.
That’s just the tip of a very large iceberg. DC Breaks have earned their stripes in the underground but, with an album due in the Autumn and a packed festival season ahead, they’re about to explode onto the international stage in a spectacular fashion.
Since signing to Andy C’s Ram Records they’ve carved a reputation for delivering world class remixes for some of the biggest names in pop. Their work on singles by Paloma Faith, Lady Gaga, Lana del Rey, Tinie Tempah and others, and production for Example (a cut on the ‘Playing in the Shadows’ album) woke the pair up to the possibilities offered by vocalists.
It was the start of the journey that led to the forthcoming album, packed with crossover cuts such as the piano-led ‘Breathe’ featuring Dave Gibson, with its contagious, urgent chorus. Or the soulful explosion of ‘No One Like You’ sung with passion by Niara Scarlett.
Or the epic blast of ‘Salvation’ wherein DC Breaks take heavy duty bass sounds and tie them to uplifting, irresistible vocal hooks. Once they graduated to Ram itself, with monster cuts such as ‘Shaman’ and last year’s battering ‘Lock-In’, they hit the drum & bass A-league.
Before long it wasn’t just the drum & bass scene paying attention.
DC Breaks tunes made it onto BBC Radio via Zane Lowe, Mistajam and Annie Mac
Local Support by In Your Face Krew
○ Ernest0r ○
○ WasteNoize ○
○ Phyz Drop ○
○ SubCircuz ○
○ Haptic ○
○ Syntolyx ○
○ Sensive ○
○ Modex ○
○ Impressor ○
○ Tyrant ○
& Yamyamya
○ Rastical ○
○ Nesbra ○
○ Saibotic ○
○ Replica ○
○ Tyranix ○
Host of the night -> Dreadbore MC
VVK 8€ / AK 10€
Vorverkaufs-Tickets wie immer in allen Mr. Smart Shops erhältlich!
Save the date & stay tuned!
#boombaby #viki2018 #villacherkirchtag #kirchtagsrave #drumandbass #inyourface #yamyamya
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