Live: MIST (Slovenia – Doom / Heavy Metal)
anschließend: JAM SESSION
“Mist are this generations answer to Black sabbath & Coven.”
“This is Occult Doom Metal of the highest order. Mist have the potential to be something special in the years to come.”
When Mist first released their 2013 Demo as an all-female band they never dreamed it would become recognized around the globe for its unique dark harmonies contrasted by powerful female vocals. In 2014, the band signed with Soulseller Records and released the Inan’ EP in 2015, as well as their 2013 Demo which had previously been sold-out twice.
Their music is natural, raw and the riffs reflect the themes of their lyrics – nature, spells, death – which are more often than not deeply inspired by the occult. Mist’s traditional doom sound builds on the legacy of legendary bands like Black Sabbath, Pentagram, Candlemass, Coven, Saint Vitus and others.
Start: 20:30
Eintritt: 5€ / incl. 2€ Getränkegutschein
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WohinTippHQ 45 mins ago