Vienna's Funniest is having an open mic! Ready to get on the stage and make people laugh? If the answer is no then there's no time like the present to stop being such a wuss! Half of the audience will be drunk anyway and won't remember how bad or good you were.
Along with the open mic performers Jack Holmes, your host for the night and Okello Dunkley will also perform new material. It will be fun night full of new faces and new adventures in the Vienna comedy scene!
If you would like to perform or have any questions, send a message to Vienna's Funniest.
Vienna's Funniest is having an open mic! Ready to get on the stage and make people laugh? If the answer is no then there's no time like the present to stop being such a wuss! Half of the audience will be drunk anyway and won't remember how bad or good you were.
This event will be in English
ENTRY - 10€
Performers - 5€
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WohinTippHQ 12 mins ago