Church in the Wild is heading to Europe in Winter 2018. The creation of Atlantic Records Hip Hop artist Sir the Baptist and Grammy-winning Gospel artist Donald Lawrence, Church in the Wild is an immersive concert experience that takes the church into the club. With both artists hailing from Chicago, the show channels the sound of some of the greats to come from the city, including Louis Armstrong, Thomas Dorsey (generally recognized as the creator of Gospel music), Nat King Cole, Kanye West, Common and more. This is not a church service and liquor will be flowing, but the show also features a full band, choir and an experience unlike anything that you’ve ever seen.
The live show and music of Sir the Baptist and Donald Lawrence has been praised by Jay Z, CNN, BBC Radio, U2, NPR, Forbes, Stevie Wonder, the Grammy’s & many more. The tour will also feature special guests in each city, including well-respected recording artists and influencers.
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WohinTippHQ 1 hour ago