In this workshop, we will explore the possibilities of interacting with things around us in a new way, making them speak and sound. There is a hidden sound creature inside each existing object; our goal is to find a way to communicate with it and integrate it into the creation of our own unique music instruments, and develop techniques for playing the instruments and playing with sound by the end of the workshop. The workshop will be a highly interactive playground with insights into the Thing Theory, music discourse and building techniques via practice and art making. In English and German.
Open to all. Free of charge
Registration required by June 6th:|+43 662 8044 2380
If possible please bring with you: hammer, wire cutter, scissor and (electrical) screwdriver.
With Martina Schlusnus (Architect & Designer, Munich) and Elena Rykova (Composer, Boston/USA)
Elena Rykova, composer, *1991 in Ufa (Russia), 2010–2015 Bachelor studies in composition at the Moscow Conservatory with Yuri Kasparov, 2015–2017 Master studies in composition in Cologne with Johannes Schöllhorn. Since 2017 Doctorate studies with Chaya Czernowin in Boston (USA). Lives in Boston.
Martina Schlusnus, *1989 in Munich, 2008–2013 studies in architecture at the TU Munich, 2012 Erasmus residency at the Universitá di Napoli Federico II (Italy), 2013–2015 Master’s degree in Industrial Design, TU Munich. Since 2015 she works in the architectural offices of Weickenmeier, Kunz + Partner, Munich. Lives in Gröbenzell.
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