Brothers Till We Die is a spanish Hardcore Metal band from Madrid, Spain.They’ve toured Spain several times, Denmark, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Germany and Ukraine, and the last year they’ve released their first LP „The Thin Line Between Death and Immortality“.After more than 200 shows in 4 years, they’ve played with band like Suicide Silence, Sick of it All, Terror, Caliban, Comeback Kid, Nasty, Madball, Rise Of The Northstar, Sworn Enemy and played in the biggest extreme metal fest of their country...SUPPORTED BYReach is a young Slovenian band founded in 2016.Their music is a mixture of modern heavy hardcore with metal influences (in the vein of Trapped Under Ice, Terror, Expire, Bent Life, Bitter End, Cruel Hand).So far, they’ve released a demo CD, split CD and a compilation tape – everything done in DIY fashion.They’ve spent a good amount of time touring and preforming and had a chance to appear alongside bands such as Terror, Backtrack, Deez Nuts, Risk It, Absolve, Slander, Second Sight, Vlada Ina, Total Chaos...8082 is an Austrian Hardcore Band...
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WohinTippHQ 54 mins ago