Live: Fallen Up (Vorarlberg - Metal)
nach dem Konzert: JAM SESSION
9 years – 3 records. Founded in 2006 Fallen Up with its actual members Lukas Dür, David Franzoi, Martin Czerniak und Samuel Rothmund is one of the most innovative metal bands in Austria. The band can hardly be categorized, because they unite several influences and combine them with unique synthesizer sound.
It all started in 2006 as four young friends from Bludenz and Schlins, Vorarlberg, studied at the same school and decided to start a band. The former line up consisted of Lukas Dür, David Franzoi, Martin Czerniak and Patrick Mayr. Fallen Up was the classical Garage-Band (with skis as mic-holder). But the time has
grown with them and the music has become professional. In collaboration with producer Dietmar Bernhard (Musiklabor Records) the band released their debut record “So Blind Your Eyes ...and Listen”. And so they built the first milestone in the bands history.
Three years later – in 2012 – Fallen Up produced their second full-length record “Death of Conscience” on their own in the RWK-Studio, Bludenz. With this album, the band established their musical genre: universal metal with synthesizer.
In the summer of 2014 their drummer Patrick Mayr left the band due to personal reasons during the production of their third record “Dead Heart’s Lullaby”. After couple discussions Fallen Up decided to ask Experience’s drummer Samuel Rothmund to join them – and he accepted. One year later – in 2015 – the quartet released “Dead Heart’s Lullaby” - again on their own.
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WohinTippHQ 1 hour ago