Buchungsgebühren können anfallen
SIGNUP LINK: https://www.meetup.com/speed-friending-events/events/259194862/
More Info: https://www.speedfriending.at
**Before arrival**
• Bring existing friends if you have any
• IMPORTANT: Bring a pen
**Upon arrival**
1. Ask the organizers for the "welcome package"
2. Follow instructions from the envelope
3. While others arrive, you can hangout and talk to strangers, sometime around 6:30pm we will start the program.
4. You have 4 minutes to talk in pairs, when the bell rings, you will switch partners, don't forget to write down your partner's number if you wish to meet them in the future.
5. Please DO NOT ask for personal contact details during the event, we want to respect each other's privacy.
7. Towards the end we will have a more open round where we put more people together to chat.
8. At the end of the Event we will announce the after-party location
**Next day**
- We will send the individual matches (pairs)
- We will send the group matches (cliques/teams)
++ We will have breaks in-between. ++
++ You can come/leave anytime ++
Entry is 5 EUR!
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WohinTippHQ 13 mins ago