Freitag, 01. Februar 2019
Szene Lustenau (Carinisaal)
Einlass: 20 Uhr // Beginn: 21 Uhr
IT IT ANITA • Freitag, 01. Februar 2019 • Szene Lustenau (Carinisaal)
With their ’90s noise rock riffs and primal screams coming from every fiber of their being, IT IT ANITA might seem pretty simple. But if you take the time to really listen, you’ll find some subtle nuances and intriguing depth. Besides seething fire there’s also intense desire, crippling fear, anger and restlessness. Through the years the band has won considerable recognition, mostly a result to their numerous energetic live concerts at home and abroad and … hard work pays off because in 2016 they were even invited to The Great Escape (UK), Eurosonic (NL), Monkey Week (SP), FME (CAN) and Le Printemps de Bourges (FR).“
Am 1. Februar 2019 kommen IT IT ANITA in die Szene Lustenau!
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WohinTippHQ 59 mins ago