Joey Green, now living in New York City, makes a visit to Vienna in October to visit family & friends--AND to celebrate his 60th birthday in this special concert at Reigen.
He formed his first band when he was 16 years-old. The band was called “OZ” and performed original music as well as music from Led Zeppelin, Kansas, Neil Young, Blue Oyster Cult, The Allman Brothers and Bruce Springsteen.
Joey Green Band will perform 2 sets of mostly original, 1970's style, driving, banging, brooding rock compositions including, "Trumpty Dumpty," "Other Side Of A Dream", "Heartbroke Again","Love, Love, Love" and " Blood Is Thicker Than Water". (All available on Spotify, I-Tunes, Soundcloud, etc.)
Joey Green on vocals/keyboards, Lukas Vendl on guitar, Tommy Böröcz on drums, Niko Zeichmann on bass/vocals, Mona Mg on vocals and Michel Nahabedian on Saxophone.
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WohinTippHQ 1 hour ago