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Show me the mask!
We bring carnival back into the summer! As typical, there is a program in which the guests meet in a playful and unusual way. We guide through the evening with dynamic games and techniques that make it easy to get to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere. Carnival elements make that evening unique.
The dress code includes everything that suits you for the mask - maybe a nice white shirt, maybe a black dress, but maybe something you would wear only in the carnival season. The main thing is that you feel comfortable and you wear a mask ;) No mask at home? Don't worry, we also have some to borrow.
Masks are worn, so is it wicked here? No! This is a classic event from Slow Dating Events Vienna: A program that is guided by two moderators, with singles who want to get to know other people.
Thursday, 13th June
8 pm: Registration
8.30 pm: Start of our program
11 pm: End of our program, starting the party
Bolena: Lange Gasse 61, 1080 Vienna
Dress code: mask
Moderation of the program of Slow Dating Events Vienna
Within 48 hours we will inform you about your matches.
Language: We guide in English through the evening.
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