Sulpher (UK - Industrial Alternative Metal)After nearly a decade touring the planet as members of The Jesus and Mary Chain, The Prodigy & Marilyn Manson's live band, Sulpher has regrouped to commit another sonic assault on the nation’s music venues.The current 3-piece, voted ‘Best British Heavy Metal Band’ by Metal Hammer.Started by multi-instrumentalist Rob Holliday and Monti in the early part of 2000, Sulpher presents a distinctly gritty style of industrial alternative rock, paying homage to the legendary Nine Inch Nails and Ministry, Deftones and Manson, while mixing the experimental sounds of electronica.Sulpher was hailed in many rock magazines as the genre's new hope after the release of its debut single 'Spray' in 2002, and as a result secured national tours with the some of the scene's biggest and best.Their Metal Hammer award only heightened interest in the band, and their reputation spread worldwide when their track 'Fear Me' was used for the USA 2002 Winter Olympic Games promo ads throughout movie theatres and primetime TV in the states. The band previously toured throughout Germany in 2003 as special guests of The 69 Eyes and Sisters of Mercy.also appearing at a number of European festivals including wave gothic treffen and Mera Luna swell as a support slot with Marilyn Manson prior to Rob going manson for the 2007/2008 Rape of the world tour .Sulpher have now released their follow up album 'No One Will Ever Know' through SPV/Oblivion and are currently out playing live.Black Mariah (Rock/Heavy Metal)BLACK MARIAH blast some driving rock n roll songs reminiscent of when rock n roll was real but also appeals to a much WIDER audience due to fact that its not just rock n roll
But its rock for everyone, everyone will find something they can idenify with … creative guitars, hard rock rythms fronted by a voice that rock n roll rarely finds, something real, with experience that has lived its live for rock n roll
whiskey and cigarettes, sex, drugs, rock n roll.....You cant fake it
BLACK MARIAH has it all.wolpertinger.Alternative Indie/Math/Post-Rock Band based in Vienna.verwuzzelte klangwelten aus seide und rost. brachiale notenmassive von kristallinem bau. gezerre wie wind – mal die seichte sommerbrise, mal der tobende sturm. leicht wie federn, schwer wie metall. komplex und eigensinnig, durchdacht und frei. die ente und der fuchs. und pathos. viel pathos.Nach den Konzerten:Weberknecht wird schwarzGothic, EBM, 80er, Wave, Dark Electro, ...
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