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THE FICTIONPLAY (A – Progressive Pop-Rock)
The Fictionplay atmen das Chaos der Weltgeschehnisse tief ein und katalysieren es zu ihrem vierten Studio Album „Tohu Bohu“ (21.09.2018, Panta R&E). Die zahllosen Wirren spiegeln sich dabei in der inneren Unruhe des Lyrischen Ichs wider – die vierköpfige Alternative Band aus Wien und Niederösterreich kleidet die Thematik in mächtige Gitarrenriffs und „freshe“ Synthesizersounds, und befindet sich damit auf den musikalischen Spuren von den Rival Sons und Muse.
GHOST OF YOU (CZ – Psychedelic Pop)
Five years of existence and more than 300 gigs and show times on the main European festivals, this is the current status of Brno-based Ghost of You.
Deerhunter, a single on their debut album Glacier And The City (Indies Scope, 2015) gave a new vision to what originally started as an experimental project. Even before the album was released, Ghost of You performed at Budapest’s Sziget as the youngest Czech band in the history of the festival. A new name emerged in the guitar scene and started to build the “explosively intensive concerts” reputation.
Ghost of You collected more recognition not only on stages across the Czech Republic (Colours of Ostrava, Metronome, Karlovy Vary IFF, Rock for People and more) but al so at festivals abroad (Slovakia’s Pohoda and Grape, Austria’s Donauinselfest and Waves Vienna, Hungarian Bush, Romanian Banát, and Eurosonic in the Netherlands).
The production of the new album Black Yoga (Indies Scope, 2018) was again handed to the highly respected Ondřej Ježek. Ghost of You combined there their typical psychedelic moments with almost art-rock sound. Broken “epileptic” rhythmics accompanied by straight patterns, expressive guitars, elaborate synths and fragile vocals.
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WohinTippHQ 56 mins ago