TREVOR by Nick Jones (Orange is the new Black, GLOW)English TheaterThe Critic’s Pick of New York Times, Time out Chicago and LA Times for the first time in Europe: A heartbreaking comedy about showbiz, family and the lies we tell ourselves to keep people from taking away an erratic 200-pound chimpanzee.Immerse yourself in the unconventional household of Trevor, an ambitious chimpanzee, who dreams of his comeback in Hollywood, and his owner Sandra, who swears, her chimp could never hurt a fly… At least not on purpose. Torn in between reality and fantasy, they are struggling with flawed communication and with fitting into a society that is unwilling to understand their love.“Trevor” is a moving exploration of humanity and family written by Nick Jones. It has won several awards (Best of New York 2013, 2015 Los Angeles Drama Critic’s Circle Award, etc.) and is highly recommended by the Chicago Sun Times, Chicago Tribune and many more.Alternative Acts and the Ateliertheater bring this extraordinary European Premiere to the heart of Vienna!Trevor by Nick Jones (writer and co-producer of Orange is the new Black, GLOW) directed by Elisabeth Halikiopoulos with Georg Handler, Heidelinde Herzog, Maria Dorfer, Stefanie Pichler, Stefanie Pyka, Thomas Reichsöllner and Johannes Zemanek.Aufführungssprache Englisch. Performed in English.Start: 20:00 Uhr, Einlass/entrance: 19:00 UhrProduced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc.
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