Mo 23. Sep 2019, 20:00–21:30 | |
Di 24. Sep 2019, 20:00–21:30 | |
Mi 25. Sep 2019, 20:00–21:30 | |
Do 26. Sep 2019, 20:00–21:30 | |
Fr 27. Sep 2019, 20:00–21:30 | |
Sa 28. Sep 2019, 20:00–21:30 | |
Di 1. Okt 2019, 20:00–21:30 | |
Mi 2. Okt 2019, 20:00–21:30 | |
Do 3. Okt 2019, 20:00–21:30 | |
Fr 4. Okt 2019, 20:00–21:30 | |
Sa 5. Okt 2019, 20:00–21:30 | |
Winner of 6 Tony Awards, a Drama Desk Award and more.
John Logan’s taut, visceral, surprisingly humorous show features artist Mark Rothko at the height of his career. Viewed through the lens of his youthful new assistant, Ken, we witness Rothko at the pinnacle of his creativity. Rothko is struggling through the creation of a series of large paintings commissioned to adorn the walls of New York’s brand-new Four Seasons Restaurant. As Ken and Rothko paint, they challenge each other to ask big questions about art - what it takes to create it and what its role should be in the world - and life. We look at how society and artistic sensibilities change, at ego, integrity and fashion. Set in the 1950s and based on a series of real events, this beautiful play takes a compelling look at the ever-changing relationship between an artist and his creations. Let yourself become immersed in the paintings and the process, and revel in the majesty of the language Rothko uses to express the inexpressible in this captivating play.
Winner of 6 Tony Awards, a Drama Desk Award and more. Let yourself become immersed and part of the paintings in this captivating play.
Majestic ... Variety
More than the ideas about the value of art, at the core of this production is a generational tussle, movingly portrayed … invigorating 90 minutes. Guardian
… the tantalizing first words of Red, John Logan's engrossing, often enthralling new play about art, an artist and the act of creation. Associated Press
Direction: Joanna Godwin-Seidl
Starring: Dennis Kozeluh, David Rodriguez-Yanez
Theater Drachengasse
23. September – 5. Oktober 2019, Di-Sa um 20 Uhr
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WohinTippHQ 24 mins ago