White Lies released their monolithic debut "To Lose My Life" 10 years ago and to celebrate a decade of soaring success, they are bringing the album back to life in its entirety.This album with its string of successful singles propelled them into the spotlight of UK music, but the years since then are not without their grand moments. Ritual spawned the epic "Bigger Than Us" while Big TV was a confident shot at a more concept-based record. Two years after the Friends LP, White Lies returned in 2019 with Five and a forty-date tour across UK and Europe - with multiple sold out shows.Building a reputation takes time, especially in the domain of music, but longevity is a different beast. Established in London in 2007 as a satisfying mix of cavernous gloom-pop and chant-worthy grandiosity, White Lies nailed their specificity and honed it well, earning debut LP To Lose My Life a number one spot upon its release in the UK and a platinum selling album. The rec-ord became the UK’s soundtrack of 2009 and was hailed by critics, with Q Magazine noting that "their winning seriousness is matched by a penchant for a grandiose but hummable melody".Jack Lawrence-Brown (drummer) says of the album, "When we released and initially toured To Lose My Life a decade ago, it was THE formative experience of our lives as musicians, and it was a total whirlwind. I only vividly remember bits and pieces of that time in our lives - almost everything we did was a new experience for us - but one thing that was very clear was that we had made a record that a lot of people really connected with. In recent times that has really hit home."Lead singer Harry adds, "Over the past 10 years, no matter where we go in the world, we still find White Lies fans who have had an important part of their lives soundtracked by that record, each with their own unique story. And so, it feels like a perfect opportunity to revisit "To Lose My Life..." and play it in full from start to finish for the first time in the venue in which we closed the initial To Lose My Life tour - one of our favourite venues in the world - and make some new memories for the next 10 years."
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