From July 15th to 19th, Vienna, the music capital of the world, will be once again the stage for children and youth choirs from all around the world. Under the slogan "Coming together to sing, singing for a better future", the young participants will promote world peace by means of their music. The World Peace Choral Festival aims at enhancing intercultural understanding and communication and producing mutual respect and harmony.
The festival's highlights will include the opening ceremony at St.Stephen's Cathedral, Voices for Peace Concerts in MuTh Concert Hall, St. Peter's Church, and the Minoritenkirche, a performance in the United Nations Headquarters in Vienna, and gala concerts in the Vienna Concert Hall etc.
Let's sing hand in hand for world peace! All choirs are welcome to join in the "Celebration" category (non-competitive) of the festival! Workshops coached by the conductors of the Vienna Boys' choir will be provided to the choirs choosing this category.
Let's try our best for world peace! The festival will also provide the category "Competition". Choirs participating in this category will be judged by a jury consisting of internationally renowned choral masters. The competition will be held in the MuTh, a brand new concert hall of the Vienna Boys' Choir.
The choirs can choose individually whether or not they want to participate in this category.
Aside from the various artistic activities guided by the Artistic Committee, leisure programs including an open-air barbecue party with enchanting atmosphere will give the young singers a chance to get to know new cultures, traditions and make new friends from all parts of the world. No matter how different our languages might be, the languages of music and dancing are universal and have the power to connect.
In the course of the festival, the Artistic Committee under the leadership of Gerald Wirth, artistic director of the Vienna Boys Choir, will select particularly gifted singers for the World Peace Choir again. In the coming years, the choir should travel around the globe to give concerts promoting world peace. In August 2013, the first tour of the World Peace Choir to China has won enormous applause and media response.
The World Peace Choral Festival welcomes you!
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