DIABOLICAL (Sweden)Black/Death MetalIndie RecordingsMore than twenty years after their formation in northern Sweden, innovative blackened death metallers DIABOLICAL are currently touring in support of their critically acclaimed concept album "Eclipse", which was released in early 2019. Having already toured with Septicflesh and Krisiun earlier this year, and scheduled to tour with Hatesphere later in 2019, their touring cycle will continue into 2020 where they will bring "Eclipse" to life on stages across Europe. DIABOLICAL brings a profound live experience with spitting musical and aesthetic complexity swirling around a dense soundscape of excellently distilled and refined ideas, altogether forming a rare display of musical craftsmanship equaled by very few contemporary metal bands.DEVILISH IMPRESSIONS (Poland)Symphonic Black/Death MetalNon Serviam RecordsFounded in 2000, initially as a studio project and transformed into a live act in 2006, DEVILISH IMPRESSIONS merges the fierceness of traditional Black and Death metal with a subtle dose of ethereal melodies. Throughout the years the band found the right balance between those seemingly opposing elements to eventually create their own, distinctive sonic path. Critically acclaimed records and intense live rituals brought upon mankind while touring all over the Old Continent and beyond have earned the band an honorable reputation and thus it has grown into one of the most intriguing acts of Poland's extreme music scene. Not many bands out there are brave enough to reach beyond their stable framework. DEVILISH IMPRESSIONS, on the contrary, keeps pushing boundaries further out with each consecutive release and it is their unpredictable variability that makes them as dangerous as they are unstoppable.SOULDRAINER (Sweden)Melodic Death MetalViciSolum ProductionsNever imitating, but building upon the bricks laid by bands like Hypocrisy, Pain, Amon Amarth, Rammstein and Samael, Souldrainer is the representation of the next breed of melodic death metal. With thick layered rhythm guitars, atmospheric angel choirs, strings ensembles and ripping vocals, Souldrainer creates a distinguished harmonic aggression that hits you harder than a brick-wall-in-your-face.
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