Grow your career and excel in your leadership. Meet the Executive MBA.
Premier EMBA gathers ambitious business school candidates for a high-end online reception with Vienna University of Economics and Business WU Executive Academy, HEC Paris Executive MBA, London Business School, IMD EMBA, University of St. Gallen EMBA-HSG, IE Business School, ESCP Europe and more .
Date: Tuesday, 24 November 2020
Place: Premier EMBA Online Platform for Executives
Executives will connect online with successful local alumni and with representatives from some of the top 50 EMBA programmes from the Financial Times global ranking.
Premier value for experienced leaders
Experienced professionals choose the Executive MBA for the opportunity to gain new career perspectives. The format enhances their leadership skills and helps them develop strategic partnerships.
EMBA participants benefit from impressive career progression. They obtain significant salary increases and new business ventures, the Executive MBA Council (EMBAC) reports. Executive MBA salaries are among the highest of any business and management programme.
Gain more insights about the EMBA format from insiders. Distinguished local alumni will come together for an exclusive panel discussion online. An Executive Education expert will be available on the platform to personally discuss your EMBA options.
Join Premier EMBA today!
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