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„The Ocean does not give you what you want, she gives you what you need.“
Welcome to an evening of adventure, authentic creativity and purpose.
Taking place over 3 years and across 6 countries, Daniela Kohler’s film Paddle to Purpose is an adventure in every sense of the word. With ups and downs, laughter and tears, successes and setbacks. It begins at the nadir of Daniela’s life and documents her journey to find a sense of purpose through world travel and paddleboarding.
A intimate screening of the film Paddle to Purpose, with open-floor Q&A with the filmmaker Daniela Kohler featuring special appearances from protagonist in the film and the Cinematographer of the film – Philipp Herburger.
Audiences will be treated to the deep, soulful sounds of the heart of Justin Kohler (also in the film) from Kohlerbaum as well as an atmospheric accoustic performance of the films soundtrack with the filmmaker and her band.
- Musik
- Film Screening
- Pause
- Q&A mit Filmemacherin, Komponist und Cinematographer
- Pause
- Musik
Fr, 07. Februar 2020, ab 20 Uhr
Die Gute Stube,
Hof 432, 6866 Andelsbuch
Eintritt und Reservierung:
Limitiert auf 50 Plätze!
Studenten/SchülerInnen 14,– €
Normalpreis 19,– €
Reservierung per E-Mail an daniela.kohler1@gmail.com
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WohinTippHQ 41 mins ago