Diese Veranstaltung ist schon vorbei


Mi 22. Apr 2020, 19:30
Do 23. Apr 2020, 19:30
Fr 24. Apr 2020, 19:30
Sa 25. Apr 2020, 19:30

Wo: Vienna's English Theatre, Josefsgasse 12, 08. Josefstadt, Wien

Altersbeschränkung: Alle Altersklassen


  • Kategorie 1: €48,00
  • Kategorie 2: €43,00
  • Kategorie 3: €37,00
  • Kategorie 4: €31,00
  • Kategorie 5: €25,00
  • Buchungsgebühren können anfallen

Eingetragen von: Vienna's English Theatre

More frolicsome, farfetched fun with the unfathomable English Lovers! The players and musicians come to the stage with no idea of what they’re about to play. It’s up to the audience to supply them with the impulses that will inspire each improvised scene. There’ll be fun and games galore in this evening of extraordinary and extraneous storytelling, not to mention song and dance, so buckle up for the ride of your life!