Mo 23. Mär 2020, 20:00–21:30 | |
Di 24. Mär 2020, 20:00–21:30 | |
Mi 25. Mär 2020, 20:00–21:30 | |
Do 26. Mär 2020, 20:00–21:30 | |
Fr 27. Mär 2020, 20:00–21:30 | |
Sa 28. Mär 2020, 20:00–21:30 | |
Di 31. Mär 2020, 20:00–21:30 | |
Mi 1. Apr 2020, 20:00–21:30 | |
Do 2. Apr 2020, 20:00–21:30 | |
Fr 3. Apr 2020, 20:00–21:30 | |
Sa 4. Apr 2020, 20:00–21:30 | |
Tell me a story!
This childhood plea is forever engrained in our collective memories. We tell stories to entertain, to illuminate, elucidate and educate: Stories that make us laugh and cry, that reach across national, cultural and generational boundaries. Holding us spellbound, they bind us together. They are as much a part of human DNA as … well … as DNA.
Join the English Lovers as they explore stories within stories and worlds within worlds, burrowing ever deeper into the rabbit hole of imagination and, with any luck, find their way back out!
With: Anne Weiner, Bronwynn Mertz-Penzinger, Dennis Kozeluh, Jacob Banigan, Jim Libby, Kathy Tanner, Michael Smulik, Sophie Kozeluh
Improvised Music: Klaus Erharter, Belush Korenyi
Improvised Lighting: Karl Börner, Michaela Pink, Stefan Rauchenwald,
Ricarda Springer
Bar&Co 23. März – 4. April 2020, Di-Sa um 20 Uhr
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WohinTippHQ 31 mins ago