Europa im Diskurs - Debating Europe
The Covid-19-pandemic and the economic crisis it triggered is not only upsetting fiscal and social policies in most industrialized countries, but also the debate among economists about the role of the state, the future of work and the balance between necessary economic growth and the needs to fight global warming. How many of these new ideas will persist once the pandemic is over? Has the time for a new approach to economics finally arrived?
These questions will be explored on the stage of the Burgtheater in a debate between:
Albena Azmanova, Associate Professor in Political and Social Theory, University of Kent, Brussels School of International Studies
Daniel Gros, Distinguished Fellow and Member of the Board, Centre for European Policy Studies
Lisa Herzog, Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Groningen
Harald Oberhofer, Professor of Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Moderated by Eric Frey, senior editor of Der Standard
Click on the link below to join us live on Sunday, where we will broadcast live from the Burgtheater:
No extra fee or registration required!
This event is a cooperation of IWM with DER STANDARD, Burgtheater & ERSTE Foundation
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WohinTippHQ 41 mins ago