Ausstellung "The shades of a woman".
Krystyna Khvostyk & Kateryna Panko
Vernissage am Di. 12.April 18 bis 21 Uhr
The purpose of exhibition is, first of all, once again to draw attention to the versatility of women.
The naked body, which is present in every painting, is a symbol of openness, individuality and freedom. Each of us, in our own way, tried to convey emotions that cannot be hidden by clothes.
This exhibition is a presentation of artists inner world, emotions and experiences, joy and sadness.
Each painting is unique, as is the meaning that was put into it.
Strong, bright, feminine, tender, sexy, bold and conquering the world - these are the girls who inspire today!
Wir freuen uns auf Euren Besuch!
Ausstellungsdauer: 11. – 22.04.2022
Öffnungszeiten der Galerie: Di., Mi., Fr. 15 - 19 Uhr, Sa. 12 - 17 Uhr
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WohinTippHQ 1 hour ago