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Isabella Forciniti is a Vienna based sound artist from Italy. Her work maneuvers within tensions evoked by the substantial aspects of sound and improvised music. Her intention is to explore deliberate states of sounds through examining relationships among interwoven sound surroundings, informal practice as well as their intrinsic abilities. Her work thrives to release streams of thoughts at the margins of the unknown.
JSB Trio
Jürgen Berlakovich verwendet als Grundlage für seine Kompositionen eine eigens entwickelte DNA-Sonifikationssoftware, die auf Basis eines genetischen Systems namens Codon DNA-Sequenzen in Sound und Musik zu transformieren vermag.
Live tritt er gemeinsam mit dem Schlagzeuger Stefan Voglsinger auf. Im Zusammenspiel mit diversen DNA-Sequenzen bilden sie ein eigenwilliges musikalisches Trio, das Schlagzeug und Bass- und Gitarrenriffs mit DNA-generierten, elektronischen Klangtexturen kombiniert.
Jürgen Berlakovich - Gitarre, Bass, Elektronik, Stefan Voglsinger, Schlagzeug, Elektronik
DNA-Sequenzen (Mammut, Opium, Malaria, Dengue, Peyote, Aedes Aegypti, Covid-19...): Elektronik
Born and raised in Dresden, Caniche evolved her specific preference for Rave Techno, which she would describe as fast and wild but also very groovy and even melancholic at times, while living in Berlin. First attempts of deejaying took place soon after moving to Vienna, where she still lives today and plays most of her gigs. In her sets you will find genres like Schranz, Groovecore, Hard Trance and Tribal Techno, as well as sound of the early 2000s. Although she mainly plays records from the past, keeping an eye on recent releases is very important to her. She is organized in the newly founded Push - Female DJ Network to support and connect other FLINTA* DJs within the scene.
Kuratiert von Rojin Sharafi / WE:Shape
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Gefördert durch die Wirtschaftsagentur Wien. Ein Fonds der Stadt Wien.
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WohinTippHQ 14 mins ago