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Joey Green Band will be performing at Vienna's premier rock & roll venue on Friday, December,16th at 8:30 pm.
Come on out and join the band as they perform some of their most memorable and rockin' high energy classics from the 1960's, and 70's from Billy Joel, Blue Oyster Cult, Cream, Steppenwolf, The Doobie Brothers, etc.
The concert will also feature some of Joey Green Band's most popular, original tracks. (All streaming on Spotify, Apple, Amazon, etc.)
And now, with two fantastic lead electric guitar players on stage, the sound is heavier, rounder and more intense than ever!
The Band:
Joey Green-Piano/Vocals
Lukas Vendl-Guitar/Vocals
Tommy Böröcz-Drums
Roland Stonek-Guitar
Ynnon Rother-Bass Guitar/Vocals
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WohinTippHQ 59 mins ago