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Rojin Sharafi is a Vienna-based, Tehran-born soundartist, performer and composer of acoustic and electronic music, which freely crosses the borders between genres. She creates entirely unique musical textures through the use of analogue, acoustic and augmented instruments, as well as digital tools of her own devising. She is currently pursuing her masters in composition and sound engineering at the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts.
Her debut album “Urns Waiting to be Fed,” with Zabte Zote, has been lauded as “one of [2019’s] most ecstatic and fiercely original hours of music.” A second album, “Zangaar,” was released in 2020.
Instrument maker and noise maverick Peter Kutin, sonic nomad vocalist Freya Edmondes and iconoclastic drummer Lukas König formed the trio after a spontaneous meeting at a show they were all performing solo. Born out of a single day-long improvisation session, EP:DEMOcaptures that lightning-bolt electric charge of the trio’s fortuitous encounter. With Kutin on self-devised light-feedback noise machines coupled with an array of synths and König’s percussion-electronics manipulations as rhythm section to Edmontes’s feral vocalisations, PFL are an unorthodox band, right at the edge of pop-punk, noise and free improvisation.
Peter Kutin - guitar, electronics, light-feedback, production, Freya Edmondes - voice, electronics, percussion elements, Lukas König - percussion, electronics
Kim Leclerc is a Vienna based dj. Vinyl digger and rhythmical chopper, focusing on a wide range of hard electronic music ranging from Techno to IDM to Trance, oscillating between dissolution and creation.
Kuratiert von Rojin Sharafi / WE:Shape
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WohinTippHQ 2 hours ago