This conference will bring to the fore the role of online influences – in particular the covert, malign influences – in shaping political processes in respective regions.
The ever-increasing spread of fake news and disinformation campaigns has become a security issue for countries of the European Union and those aspiring to join it.
“Tackling Disinformation in Central Europe and the Western Balkans” conference will bring to the fore the role of online influences – in particular the covert, malign influences – in shaping political processes in respective regions.
Politicians, topical experts and journalists will dissect sources, goals and countermeasures to disinformation campaigns, giving an outlook of the approach taken by the EU member states and of the scale of the problem in the Western Balkans.
Rastislav Káčer, Slovak Minister of Foreign and European Affairs
Misha Glenny, Rector, Institute for Human Sciences IWM
Ivan Krastev, Permanent Fellow, Institute for Human Sciences IWM
Michael Klíma, Advisor to Czech Prime Minister on Media and Disinformation
Miroslava Sawiris, Director of Strategic Communications, Office of the Slovak Prime Minister
Adelheid Wölfl, Southeastenr Europe Correspondent, Der Standard
Jasna Jelisić, Head of the Western Balkans Task Force, EEAS Strategic Communication Division
Katarína Klingová, Senior Research Fellow, GLOBSEC
Ivan Vejvoda, Permanent Fellow, Institute for Human Sciences, IWM
Vuk Vuksanović, Senior Researcher, Belgrade Centre for Security Policy
Conference co-organised by the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) and the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Vienna.
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