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[ //: ... xtr a c t ][ LIVE IN VIENNA ]
A C T O R S [ CAN ]
“Vancouver’s brilliant post-punk and new-wave quartet ACTORS
continue their flair for sonic cinematics in the video for their
latest track ‘Face Meets Glass’... The atmosphere quivers with
singer Jason Corbett’s crooning reverb augmented by shivering
guitars and stark synths.”
“Addictively dancey, uplifting and melancholy sounds...
Beautiful, dark music.”
h o s t e d [ by ] [ ✚ ]
ha:kuzaa | Finster | Missantroop | Gárgola
DJ Zound riotZZZ by
➤ ha:kuzaa
➤ Missantroop
➤ Finster
➤ Gárgola
soundz like : darkwave / post-punk / deathrock
minimal / italo-disco / synth-punk / goth ........................
Down Under Aussie - Pub, 06. Mariahilf, Wien
Sa 23. Mär 2024 21:00
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WohinTippHQ 19 mins ago