What do we need to think about when curating Time-Based Art? Curatorial projects involve research, funding, networking, discussion, concept and scenography development, writing, logistics and artistic education. As co-founder and curator of the nomadic association White Frame, Chantal Molleur had to lobby, network and present exhibitions and screenings to different audiences before gaining recognition. Since its inception in 2011, Chantal has produced and curated more than 40 exhibitions and screening projects. For this lecture, she will introduce the different elements in play to build up a project using as example her 2019 international exhibition project, Où sommes-nous? A traveling exhibition involving partners from three countries, two exhibitions venues and eleven artists. Parallel to her experience as a curator, Chantal also mentors film and art students of the Bachelor and Master levels, providing graduates promotional plan and distribution support for their films and art projects.
Referentin: Chantal Molleur
Chantal Molleur (*1969, Montreal, Canada) lives and works in Basel, Switzerland
Vortrag in Englisch
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