What Can We Learn from Early Modernity about Self-Learning Experiences? Key Questions, Remarks, and Research Paths
This lecture aims to explore the very complex and multifaceted matter of self-learning experiences in early modern Europe. Its primary focus will be on the relationship between the individual, their self-learning, and the surrounding intellectual environment.
This is a new field of inquiry that presents a chance to look at scientific cooperation from an unprecedented perspective. Alongside universities, colleges, and academies, which followed established programs consistent with political, religious, and social orders, the epoch was also marked by a flourishing of scholarly associations that had in common a non-institutionalized production of knowledge.
How did the physical spaces occupied by these individuals influence their knowledge output? What kind of philosophical standpoint did they have? How were they organized? The presentation will focus on these key questions and outline the paths that can be taken to find their answers.
Speaker: Valentina Lepri, Professor of History of Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Moderator: Misha Glenny, Rector of the IWM
Please register here: https://civi.iwm.at/content/eventregistration-what-can-we-learn-early-modernity
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