SOLO Ausstellung "Nature Dance" Polina Gazhur
From October 21st to November 3rd, the Creative Room Gallery will present a new solo exhibition by the artist Polina Gazhur to the attention of the public. The name of the exhibition is "Nature Dance", and it will encompass a diverse range of works (some new and some already familiar to the public) on the topic of nature and finding a balance both within nature and man, as between man and the surrounding world. Polina Gazhur's paintings can be seen as symbolic metaphors that give an opportunity not only to think about matters of harmony and beauty, but also to look inside yourself.
Attention! Exceptionally new and exciting! Within the framework of the exhibition, on the opening day of 25.10, an exclusively unusual and exciting event awaits guests! Inspired by the paintings, a dance by the famous flamenco dancer Andrea Narten will be performed in a set of clothes and jewelry developed by the young fashion designer Chloe Stancik. It will be a unique combination of art, dance and fashion!
Venissage ist am Mi. 25. Oktober ab 19 Uhr
Ausstellungsdauer: 21.Oktober bis 3.November 2023
besuchen Sie unsere Ausstellung Di., Mi und Fr. 15 bis 19 Uhr, Sa. 12 bis 17 Uhr bei der Biberstraße 4, 1010 Wien
am Tag der Vernissage Galerie hat ab 19 bis 22 Uhr offen!
Wir freuen uns auf Euren Besuch!
Öffnungszeiten: Di.-Mi., Fr. 15 bis 19 Uhr, Sa. 12-17 Uhr
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WohinTippHQ 27 mins ago