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English-Meditation-Course with buddhist monk Gen Kelsang Palden
Sa., 22. June| 14:00 – 18:00 Uhr | on-site & Online-Stream
We all want to feel good about ourselves, but without understanding our true potential, we sometimes feel inadequate and lack self-confidence.
In this English-Meditation-Workshop with buddhist monk Gen Kelsang Palden, we can learn how to develop inner confidence and happiness by relating to our extraordinary potential for peace, happiness, and joy, rather than our limitations.
In this way, we can view ourselves in a supremely positive and constructive way, freeing ourselves from self-doubt and limitations
In this Workshop you will learn:
how to overcome self-doubt and self-criticism
special views to see the best in you and others
how to cultivate inner confidence and happiness with meditation
how to foster a positive mindset for your daily life
Quote for the course
„I never become discouraged because I am travelling the path to Enlightenment which leads from joy to joy.“
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WohinTippHQ 18 mins ago