Buchungsgebühren können anfallen
Enjoy Viennese Jewish history and culture exclusively and visit the Jewish Museum Vienna in Dorotheergasse before all the other guests. We welcome you at 9 a.m. and open the door to draw your attention to very large, very small, very heavy, and very light objects and their (hi)story/(hi)stories. The first Christmas tree in Vienna will be a topic, as will the Ringstrasse and the Viennese Rothschilds, who didn’t even live on the Ringstrasse. Of course, you will also find out why Berta Zuckerkandl liked to talk on the phone and Gustav Mahler didn't like honey before you get close up to the objects in the exhibition collection.
After this exclusive 60-minute tour, Taïm Café Bistro will serve you 1 glass of kosher sparkling wine and an extensive oriental breakfast (incl. 1 cup of coffee or tea, 1 glass of Limonana) so that you can enjoy the rest of the day strengthened and full of energy. There's also a little surprise waiting for you!
Ticket price including breakfast: € 49,-
Bookable up to 24 hours before the tour date.
Participation is limited to a maximum of 12 people per date.
Altes Rathaus Barocksaal, 01. Innere Stadt, Wien
Fr 9. Aug 2024 15:00
Mickey Finn's irish Pub, 03. Landstraße, Wien
Do 27. Feb 20:00 – Mehr Termine
Kubus EXPORT - Der transparente Raum, Kunstwe, 08. Josefstadt, Wien
Do 8. Aug 2024 16:30 – Mehr Termine
Stöberpark, Treffpunkt: pinker Tisch, 16. Ottakring, Wien
Sa 20. Jul 2024 18:00 – Mehr Termine
Volkertplatz, Treffpunkt: vorm Jugendzentrum,, 02. Leopoldstadt, Wien
Fr 19. Jul 2024 18:00 – Mehr Termine
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